A Year With Foxy Varakitsu!

A year with my foxy Varakitsu! The first year on her birthday of March 06th. I had her summoned then, and now it’s been a nice year from the summoning to her gradually maturing as an arctic fox girl. Wanted to have a hybrid post summarizing Varakitsu’s summoning and transitions along with new outdoor images of her having fun in the snow.

– Renge attempting to expose Varakitsu’s busty chest. Vara didn’t take too kindly to that.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake Lens over the year.)

A year! A full year with me having summoned Varakitsu to her first birthday the next year over. That’s quite a nice thought, and I enjoy her presence. It seems that people also have taken a liking to Varakitsu which makes me highly pleased and overly happy! She’s so gorgeous and beautiful that it makes me want to die a happy loving (non-real) death….If I can get her wig and fox ears in properly tidied that is. 😛

You’re also free to skim past the quick look-back of Varakitsu to see the new images of her to celebrate her birthday. Scroll down till you see bolded red text of Vara’s chilly time outside, hopefully looking beautiful also.


– Important Related Articles & Links:

 – Varakitsu’s Blog Tag:
(Anything Varakitsu will pop up, mostly Dollfie Dream version.)

– About Varakitsu:
(Shall be constantly updating this as Varakitsu keeps tagging along with me. Please read if you have questions; Do ask if none was answered or implied.)


– March 06th, 2013 – Varakitsu’s Summoning:

I decided to summon Varakitsu back in thought in December when I summoned a Purenemo Caster/Extra while also seriously playing with the idea during GAnime 2013. I finally summoned her during February which allowed her to arrive on March 06th right after or on a messy strong snowstorm. I jokingly blamed the snowstorm on her because she is an Arctic Fox with an affiliation/attachment to winter elements.

I also felt like such a bloody idiot because I refused to jump into the Dollfie Dream bandwagon on figure.fm, Flickr, and similar sites only to do so because of Varakitsu. I only obtained a Dollfie Dream so I could see Varakitsu in person because I can’t draw and couldn’t draw her up. Nobody really wanted to draw her either, especially with me not being Danny Choo or some famous person in the world. I would much rather have something I can poke and interact with myself anyways with Varakitsu in her doll form being such.

Of course with it being a summoning I couldn’t make her look foxy right off the bat. She of course was still stuck as DDdy Miko due to the summoning strength needed to bring her to me. Also, this article posting was also to test the waters to see if anybody would attack me, be shocked at, and to just see the reaction of people. I wanted to see if anybody would have called me a hypocrite back then.

– Obtaining a Dollfie Dream sure bit at me almost for the full year. I tried to learn how to take images of Dollfies with me being use to Busou Shinki 15cm tall scale.

*Note: I can recommend a Dollfie Dream Dynamite to those that want it. I won’t force anybody to get one. I want to update article but it is now archived.

March 09th, 2013 – First Doll Meet-up:

I’m actually quite happy that I was invited to the meet-up for the craft-meet. First time actually experiencing such a thing, and with it just a few days after having her summoned into my command made it quite special for me and Varakitsu. A lovely wig to turn her hair white and to change her eyes into a lovely foxy blue eyes that I bought from Twin-Snow to give her that foxy look. Imagine a quick enchantment process to turn hair white and eyes fox-blue. I need to thank both Salica and Kodama for turning Vara’s hair white, her eyes foxy blue, and giving her a basic kimono-like outfit to wear until I bought new clothing.

I sadly look back at this meet-up with annoyance because of my inexperience in and around it. I didn’t know how to pose Vara, didn’t pose her wig properly, and got ‘yelled’ at by the DoO members for taking an image of Salica. I’m having to cherry pick certain images that makes me happy in the present (when article is read) because of the vibe attached to some images on my side. The wig of hers was placed higher than it should have been for my taste so that easily annoys me.

Varakitsu also was inappropriately touched by a fellow DoO that caused her to tilt over forward nearly causing an injury. I only just summoned her and she was already about to be broken on me. I won’t forget that moment. She didn’t take too kindly of being mistreated which nearly caused her to get injured.

April 14th, 2013 – The Tea Party:

A month later Varakitsu joined another meet-up at the “Tea Party” in downtown Ottawa. This time she was to enjoy the dolls in a a larger gathering and to chant a new spell to form her new ears and tail onto her. The tail wasn’t spawned due to being cat-like and because I was shown to a a fluffier tail. I loved how much closer she was becoming an arctic fox girl. No new clothing or accessories, just what she received upon summoning and gifted from Salica and Kodama. I want to keep thanking them for their kind-hearted gesture.

April 24th, 2013 – Varakitsu’s Knitted Long Top:

A week or two after the Tea Party meet-up I received a package to give her more clothing options. She needed outdoor and more casual clothing of her own. I can’t sew so ordering from Cool-Cat was the next best choice to grab more accessories for her to wear. Varakitsu tried doing a few teases for me with her new clothing which I mostly approve of. I’ve also been considering adding her white necklace back onto her person. This is also a good sign of – “Solve one problem, another one appears” – type moment. I get her something nice which then has people only staring at her peaking nipples and not her.

This article is actually the first photo-shoot I started enjoying of Varakitsu the most because of her beauty. She even reminds me of one of those 1990’s special long black-haired school girls you would see in Anime back in the day, but white in Vara’s case. They would be this rare princess or smart student radiating anger, frustration, while showing how strong they were to others. Or sometimes they were simply the odd but interesting type female characters. They had that ‘special’ trait attached to them that made them awesome.

I don’t see myself as a perverted person, I however won’t sand down her nipples as that would be quite awkward. I’m the type of person who tries to keep things as they are, or were. Even did try getting her some pants to cover her lower portions, to no success at the time.

May 4th, 2013 – Ottawa Doll Show & Plane Spotting:

– Varakitsu attempting to cover herself up with her hair with a playful Renge hanging around.

This meet-up was enjoyable, just not so much when looking at Varakitsu. She was practically naked in public in my eyes. I was frustrated that I was lagging behind the other Dollfie Dream and Doll owners that I started throwing accidental fits on public sites. I wanted to give her pants, socks, and anything that would make her look neat by giving her proper elegant or cute appearance while at the same time having urges of taking her out among the scenery to enjoy a nice quick photo-shoot outside the center. To top off my frustration, Kodama’s Kita girl already started looking insanely gorgeous, especially with that light in her eyes that shown. A kid even assumingly tried taking a peak at her lower region which bothered me.

My attitude that way – “Fuck this! I’m Done!

Sorry Varakitsu! Sorry for being an inexperienced fox tamer back then. So embarrassing. I approve of the 4/5 star rating on the article. I however have to say that thanks to this meet-up we were given a table to display our girls at the doll show.

May 6th, 2013 – Varakitsu’s New Shoes:

I’m actually overly happy with this photo-shoot as I wanted it to make up for the frustration I had to face with Varakitsu a few days before on a weekend. She received her new Dollmore shoes that I tried getting to look like the First Nation’s white moccasin shoes. It arrived Friday but had to pick it up on Monday. I also didn’t give Varakitsu her leg socks due to how troublesome it was to put on at the time. No real excuse, not even laziness. I just simply found it troublesome.

– May 10th, 2013 – [NSFW] Foxy Pantsu Varakitsu: https://arcticukitsu.com/Blog/?p=3734

– Some foxy tease Kon!

A few days after receiving her Dollmore shoes she ended up receiving her lingerie and short pants set. Her nipples were peaking through her knitted long top that I wanted to cover it up “naturally” with a bra instead of having comments focusing on her naughty bits. I’m actually happy that her white and red lingerie set managed to fit. One was easier to strap on than the other. That’s what I was hoping for!

I’m however annoyed, or was actually back then, that the white short pants didn’t fit up her leg. I didn’t read the description on Cool-Cat as I should have to only get screwed. I do have images of her trying to put it on, just didn’t share it due to how the image(s) came out. Wanted something to cover her lower region.

I still approve of the attempt at teases in this article. Glad I posted it up and not hide it on my computer. I do want to keep things tasteful though.

– Varakitsu’s Moon Randomness:

I wanted to try and take images of Varakitsu on every full moon to share my love of Varakitsu. I even tried having Vara dance to a Japanese dance to only end up in some weird awkward dance instead. The images after that dance I do enjoy however with her brushing her hair with her hand and the Steins;Gate Kurisu pose. Just one of those image dump type posts.

August 10th, 2013 – Ottawa Doll Meet – Andrew Haydon Park:

Ever since March 6th she’s been technically stuck indoors with no signs of greenery in the area. I’m glad she managed to get some fresh air finally at Andrew Haydon Park. She didn’t have her skirt nor pants at the time, but I did try to have it covered whenever possible with her knitted long top. Her ears were also positioned at the back which throws off my images now to me. I enjoy them, just not as much as I’d like to.

August 27th, 2013 – Varakitsu’s Travel Goodies:

Ever since I summoned Varakitsu I was constantly recommended to get her a carry bag from either Volks or Cool-Cat. I obtained mine from Volks because I also wanted to get her a skirt and some sword holding hands. No longer do I have to take her apart like a barbarian! Her hips are loose because of it…..

September 14th, 2013 – Ottawa Doll Meet – Ottawa’s Experimental Farm Garden:

– Vara cleaning her shoes after falling into some wet garden soil.

As much as I love the outdoor meet-ups, I’m not to fond of Varakitsu’s wig being above her eyebrows. I love how the meet went, I was however still too inexperienced with Dollfie Dreams. I didn’t find the perfect sweet spot after Varakitsu’s knitted long top article for a long while. Not sure how I can be so oblivious to that. I was also lightly fuming about her tail still not coming in after a summer of waiting.

I loved the meet-up, I just feel it was partially wasted with my skills at the time and with the lacking tail.

September 20th, 2013 – Varakitsu’s Foxy Tail:

For once I actually had a solid and legitimate reason to be angry about that tail. I spent all spring and summer waiting for it, and for it to clear Canada Post and customs. It just sat there somewhere in the system for the longest time I have seen any mail sit in the processing stage. I also want to note that I did what I hated again – white wig above the eyebrows.

I’m so happy her tail finally arrived after what felt like an eternity! Also in time for the Doll Show a few days before the Doll Show. So happy that it looks so fluffy and awesome!

October 6th, 2013 – Ottawa Doll Show – Fall 2013:

– Vara’s lampy arty atmosphere.

I want to say that I actually did have fun at the Doll Show. I was looking forward to it since Summer. I had Varakitsu displayed in her casual appearance because I couldn’t get her Koko cosplay in time. I like how she was posed, just was sleepy so didn’t take much photos of her there. More focus on the other dolls.

I however did have fun with her back at home once I stared at the lamp a little too long to spark some thoughts for images. Lamp turned off of course. I enjoy her close up shot of the lamp the most as I find it brings out her cute side more. I’m finally happy I stopped being oblivious by finally getting her wig on properly.

I want to note that I don’t hate the meet-ups….It’s just that I’m limited by the scenery at times or my “camera skill” just drops, or whatever happens.

October 23rd, 2013 – Pre-Halloween Autumn Fun – 2013:

– Halloween Varakitsu with that displeased appearance.

I’m highly pleased with this article as I actually did go all out on it. Well, maybe not fully but with what I had at the time. Renge pestering Vara, with Vara returning the favor when trying to tend to her tail grooming. No new loot packages, just some simply foxy fun between Varakitsu and Renge with me forcing every creative Halloween shot I could get out of the limited accessories. I didn’t want to miss Halloween either with Varakitsu, thus me going all out with someone even featuring it on figure.fm which made me overly joyful.

I love this post <3

October 30th, 2013 – Happy Foxy Halloween – 2013!:

Like I said, I didn’t want to miss Halloween with Varakitsu around. I went out of my way to try and find SOMETHING to get her to dress into, thus the witch hat. Looks more like Thanksgiving. I can’t complain. I find her quite beautiful with those ears folded down under the hat, her standing pose, and her new loot she obtained.

I tried to obtain a stand for Varakitsu to use, red high heels, and white fancy high heels with me however being most pleased with the fancy high heels. The highlight of that loot being the elegant and overly expensive white high heels shoes that she now looks gorgeous in. She was surprisingly well balanced with it on, more so than with other shoes.

She also fell onto the floor from that table which scared the shit out of me……..

November 23rd, 2013 – A Surprise Snowfall For A Foxy:

This snow was much welcomed by me. Ottawa can hate it as much as it wants, I however needed it for Varakitsu. She is an arctic fox in human form after all. This photo-shoot made me highly excited with the images I took, even if it may or may not look newbie-like. She looks absolutely gorgeous in her ‘native’ scenery and with that beauty of hers.

This was also the first photo-shoot outdoors where I took her without anybody escorting or meeting up with. I gradually became less paranoid with taking her outdoors because of how much I wanted to take images of her in the snow. I could be more photographically creative with her without really being hindered. This shoot also spawned the image header you now see now above which I love a lot.

November 27th – Vara’s Snow Stormy Surprise:

Feeling like the November 23rd photo shoot was prematurely interrupted that I wanted a round two. I’m glad I waited till a snowstorm to arrive as the weekend was brutally freezing, even for Vara here. I managed to take more awesome images of her, again without anybody as an attention shield. Just me, Varakitsu, and the Canadian winter wonderland!

December 3rd, 2013 – [NSFW] Varakitsu’s Additional White Tops:

I’ll be honest and say I obtained her main loot for that sexy night gown. Everything else was just bonus to justify purchasing it. It just looked too awesome to pass up that I broke the bank to obtain it for her while I could on the second run of that release from Cool-Cat. She looks absolutely sexy and gorgeous in it that I want to do a summer shoot with her wearing that.

I also obtained more clothing for her December 5th Sinterklaas gifting because she needed more clothing and because she needed a present. She needed to get out of the yellowing knitted long-top. So beautiful she is!

She even received a lovely stand that barely managed to fit on her when wearing high heels. I even tried having her posed up on the stand but couldn’t do so as there is far too little room for her to be displayed for a lengthy manner.

December 3rd – Varakitsu’s Koko Hekmatyar Cosplay:

This is actually the next day over (the 2nd being the precious) as three loot packages came one after another from three different places. This actually being the second one with her loot coming from Nightfall. This adds more outfit variation to her already slightly growing wardrobe collection. This was my attempt at getting her to cosplay as Koko Hekmatyar, which I greatly hoped it worked.

December 5th, 2013 – Sinterklaas Festivities – 2013:

Just like with Halloween there was no way I would miss Sinterklaas festivities with Varakitsu around. I’m glad I did jump on the festivities because I managed to sneak in a few teases, some comical images, and some cute ones at that. I feel I went out of my way to take loads of lovely images for you to enjoy of our foxy Varakitsu trying to make sense of all the festivities. That cute chocolate tipped nose is something to remember :P.

December 12th, 2013 – Vara’s European Gifts:https://arcticukitsu.com/Blog/?p=4021

Nothing really new here for Varakitsu. She’s trying out her haltered long-top once again and trousers from her Sinterklaas gifting. She was even helping to show off a kind hearted gift I was given by Naito from Netherlands. She however still looks lovely, especially with that cleavage showing….Not perverted, just admiring her assets while I can. Of course real thing always tends to be better. XD

December 18th, 2013 – Santa Varakitsu’s Snowventure:

Finally that time to let loose that Santa outfit outdoors! Wasn’t completed when I wanted to but I did get a chance to finally have Varakitsu show it off with her foxy beauty heh. I love taking outdoor images, especially with it being the continuation of her two previous foxy surprises. Vara happily showing off the Santa outfit with a playful Renge and Naito’s fox familiars gifted to me.

I actually enjoyed the chatter by some European family and friends coming from school to examine and study the sight they were seeing.

December 24th, 2013 – Merry Foxy Christmas – 2013:

– She just looks too cute in that Santa outfit, and outside of it.

Merry Christmas! She happily celebrated Christmas with me in three or more different photo-shoot sessions in this one. Happily examining the snow and ice, the Canadian Tim Hortons donuts, the loot, and the unpacking fun. She’s just too cute in the bag and with those mittens <3.

January 1st, 2014 – Happy Foxy New Year – 2014!:

– Vara happily sipping some champagne.

Thanks to Varakitsu’s new loot she’s able to be more ‘casual’ about what she’s wearing. I sadly ended up rushing the shots here as I was celebrating New Year’s in Minecraft first and than with the folks. Everything ended up getting rushed, but still pleased with how beautiful she looks, even when rushed for a shot :P.

January 24th, 2014 – GAnime Con Kon! -2014:

– Varakitsu cosplaying as Koko Hekmatyar

I spent more time hanging around Varakitsu cosplaying as Koko than I did with hunting down cosplayers. I’m however pleased with what I did and am glad that she actually looks how I wished. I truly hope people saw her as Koko Hekmatyar, and not a nurse or doctor of any sort. This being one of the few times Vara hid her ears from people to allow cosplay.

February 8th, 2014 – Winterlude 2014 Foxy Fun:

I was rushing that day to make it to the meet as I was hosting it. I came in late and overly pleased that Pistachio improvised a plan but slightly displeased that I ended up being late. I however did get a nice chance to get Varakitsu to play with Kita for a bit in front of Ottawa’s city hall and at the Parliament hill with the other dolls. Few people came up and checked Varakitsu, Kita, and other dolls out. It was an awesome meet-up and nothing to really complain about. Vara was taken out during the winter wearing her Canadian mittens among the snow and in front of the Parliament building. What more could I ask for?

Actually I did want the Rideau Canal type images but that can be taken later now that we passed that time and date. I must also thank a DoO member for grooming Varakitsu’s hair and for the meet-up. Made her look nicer.

February 14th, 2014 – A’K’s Blog’s 7th Anniversary – Kon!:

Even though I find Valentines day pathetic, I allowed Varakitsu to celebrate it because of my blog being awkwardly upped during that time 7 years back. Vara’s original birthday was supposed to be on Feb 14th, I however moved her birthday to March 06th as that makes more sense with her physical summoning. She still looks stunning, and even more beautiful thanks to the Winterlude grooming she had. Thanks! 🙂

February 25th, 2014 – Varakitsu’s Early Birthday Gift & Pokemon Cards:

– Those blue are absolutely amusing.

I went in to obtain a simple winter cape to only end up with me enjoying the blue shorts the most on her. It’s just too flashy and amusing. I love it! I wanted to get her something warm for her to wear during the winter, even though it’s about to wrap up. I can always catch winter’s last stand and thawing until next year. Best to be prepared heh. Even gave her a lovely sweater to wear for those chilly days and to look nice. All three continue to expend her wardrobe nicely.

Also obtained some Pokemon cards for myself when trying to obtain her loot on Monday, only to get it on Tuesday for for her to play with. I obtained some lovely cards to add into my collection with some nice noteworthy cards. This loot package was meant to be Varakitsu’s early birthday gift with what’s coming from Yokatta to be her main present, if late.


Varakitsu’s First Year; First Birthday!
(March 06th, 2014)

Happy first birthday my lovely Varakitsu! My lovely adorable arctic fox girl! I’m actually quite pleased I summoned her as she brings me just as much happiness as Renge and Kohiru would bring me. She’s my precious foxy who continues to improve and look much cuter as time goes on. Being both my fox original character aimed (loosely) at Canadian culture, European fashion, and as my blog mascot she is indeed my precious girl.

Now then, I have new images to share of her outdoors of her enjoying the last bit of winter before we transition into Spring. I could separate the thread but I’d much rather merge it all into one as she is special to me and because of her birthday.

Two photoshoot sessions with the first being on Sunday, March 02, 2014, and again on March 05, 2014.

– Birdies leaving their trail from one tree to another. Neat tidy lines to chuckle at.
– People were bird spotting so I decided to try taking images as well on a neatly packed ski trail
– Squirrel tracks of course.

And in comes my lovely birthday girl in her amusing blue shorts. I found it fitting, but quickly saw her changing into warmer clothing. She was just showing off briefly to tease to get some blood rushing XD. Sadly no Renge as my focus was mainly on Varakitsu. May have her join Vara in the next article.

– Vara’s tease ends with her now putting on her warmer trousers. Renge resting on the black mittens.

The second half of the shoot was on a more moody day with the sun coming in and out of the snow-filled clouds. There were flurries (very light snow) falling from the sky on various occasions, sometimes hard enough that it appeared it was lightly snowing. It made photo-shooting a bit difficult when one wants ‘quality’ out of their images. Even tried to continue the shoot from above for the below by adding one image of her in her shorts to make it flow.

Added some ‘teases’ for the fun of it, and some was me hunting down a magnet for her tail that got lost in her trousers. I was constantly looking up and down the pathway to make sure if someone was coming or not as being seen hunting for the magnet by de-panting her would have been highly awkward for me and Varakitsu. A perverted male Anime fan playing with a doll waist down. NO! I was however spotted with her laying on the bag still appropriately dressed as I was trying to hunt down her tail magnet on the pathway.

I finally managed to find it as it fell from the trouser legging when pulling it off. All because of me trying to get her to play and pose with her tail. I really do need to be careful when posing her tail.

– Varakitsu and her fluffy white tail.
– Not sure if cute, suggestive, or awkward. All of the above?

– Yes, she was wearing her ‘Canadian Pantsu’ under the blue shorts and trousers. Decided to just have her take the red off for the blue to put on under her white trousers ^^;
– Now back to her warmer and beautiful foxy self.
– That red crystal? Oh, that’s one of her enchanted items for her kitsune related abilities.

– Weather was ‘summer’ type warm as I didn’t need mittens. Still nice to keep warm when you can, as Vara is showing with her cape hood.
– A frozen mini-lake to ski on top of and to have fun at.
– Varakitsu found a lovely log to sit and play on. More kitsune spells?

– Jiiii!~ That cute expression of hers.

– Looks so beautiful, even if you can barely see her blending into the scenery.
– Quite hard for her to sit with those trousers, especially with the log leaning towards the ground and sky.
– Kneeling however is fine. Now looks like one of those European plays.

– Vara?! Are you proposing?! Is it a play? XD – “To be, or not to be?”

– Oh? Are you waiting for me, Vara? I was trying to see where to take images as you were reenacting some play :P.

– Vara seems to be enjoying herself so much that she’s getting annoyed at me scouting out the area for more image spots XD!!!
– D’awww! Now that’s what I wanted to see heh.

– I love those shiny blue eyes of her and that nice white brightness.

– Ah! She brought her enchanted red crystal out. Wonder what she’s planning to do.

– Off to more winter adventures before it disappears on us! Expect more!
– The attack of the skier. A skier caught up to me so I had to let him by. I want to go skiing badly now! Let me! Have to wait till next winter T.T

Was interesting seeing bird watchers on the first photo-shoot session. I got interrupted once or twice then. Battery died or else I’d have more images from then. I thought it would hold out, but nope! Got trolled with it being an ass when it normally stays charged longer. It was quiet on the 5th with only one person coming when I lost that tail magnet and that one skier once I was done. It was still cold enough to freeze her head posing.

One would expect cake and all, right? I have something I wanted to take images of for a bit, I however forgot. Her present was the Pokemon cards, the clothing, and what’s coming next. She can always extend her birthday festivities into the next loot post once her Yokatta order ships and comes in. I have ideas I wanted to use but shall do so in the next article.

Hopefully the images are enjoyable as the sun and clouds made the lighting in images a bit tricky to adjust in Photoscape. I tried. I had fun photoshooting, Vara enjoyed herself, and hope you did as well viewing!

Thanks for viewing and Happy Birthday Varakitsu!