Greetings! Myself, Varakitsu, Renge, and Mizuki Type II all went to Commissioner’s Park in Ottawa (next to Dow’s Lake) for a lovely outdoor doll meet. Been a nice rewarding day for photography, doll related things, and for car spotting.
– A plotting Vara being observed by Griffon-beast with the Busou Shinkis resting to the left of her.
(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)
I was amused when I arrived at the meet to hear the mention of Busou Shinki. Busou Shinki is now gradually fading out for me, sadly, because of the lack of buzz about it now. Was nice to hear Kodama had nice fun watching the TV version of it. It needs to be watched and respected more.
I also had my fun with Varakitsu at the meet-up, even considering this a nice ‘quality image’ producing moment. I have lots of nice images that I can happily stare and admire for now and at a later period of time. I sadly had trouble with her wig tangling because of the wind and the constant movements.
Basically went to the meet-up to with the mindset to just spam-snap images of Varakitsu while I could to have loads of images to admire at a later period. After which I would then grab rips at Ottawa’s Ribfest on Spark’s street to soon afterd wander off home to admire both the images and the ribs, which I did after some delay.
– A pondering arrival at the park and meet-up.– Jiiii!~
– A touristy little foxy. This statue was a pain to photo-shoot with. Even had people observing and taking images of me taking images.
– Tieren’s lovely girls just hanging around.
Couldn’t sit around so started experimenting with sits and poses by observing Vara happily sitting in trees and posing with things.
– Varakitsu being known to be one chillin’ foxy XD– A lovely Kita joins the fox party in the tree.– A fox filled fox tree. Kon!– A foxy tree in which people’s attention would be curiously caught.– Kemonomimi beauties pondering, relaxing, and enjoying themselves in that kemonomimi friendly tree heh.
– Nyaa!~ She was happily hunting squirrels earlier, though no images due to how sudden situation was on Kodama’s side.– A joyful Vara happily and cautiously balancing herself on that branch.
– Mizuki and Renge both happily examining nature at their own curious little pace. Odd poses due to bracing of semi-strong wing gusts.
– Renge and Mizuki both happy that they indirectly gifted Varakitsu some of the weedy flowers hanging around the area.
– Renge & Mizuki both attempted to try their best at posing with their flowers in hand. Nearly.
– Gorgeous! Was in a conversation about how to photoshop stands out while having the scenery behind her level with her figure.– Was surprised I haven’t seen any caterpillars this year so I happily took images of this one.– Sun was a tad bit too bright causing me to skip out on some photo-opportunities and to leave some untouched. Vara happily being the foxy of the hill >^_^<– Queen of the Hill foxy Vara holding Mizuki for a higher perspective; A curious little lovely lady peaking from below.– Played around with the hat briefly to add some minor shade and for some photography fun ^_^– Was hoping to bring out Vara’s foxy eyes in this one.
Noticed a rock in the shade so I darted over there to see if I could expand any rock-photography fun with Vara & Mizuki. Barely could due to the angle.
With it being summer I had to sneak in a few swimsuit related teases and fun here and there. Nobody was around, and the sun was covered by clouds once again, so I tried to make the most of her lower swimsuit portion only.
– Vara posing in a swimsuit in a concrete patch with flowers behind her even though there’s a giant lake of water in front of her.
– Vara happily teasing she’s not wearing any short pants.
– Some final foxy teases before pantsing back on XD– I feel like now expanding the foxy swimsuit idea.
So I now need to add in swimsuit foxy fun to some nightgown white NSFW photoshoots….Varakitsu going to go bold and beautiful with Canadian nature hmm. As much as I want to I’m also worried a lot due to how fancy they get.
– A more serious Varakitsu with one of those weedy-flowers held in a more cool and serious pose. A nice touch that I was even complimented on. Love it!– Ottawa also has some interesting mythical wildlife.– I think we may have lost Vara in some very deep and dark serious thoughts. I”m now worried.– At this point I feel as if she broke my camera with that gaze of hers not because of lurker’s ill-thoughts but more of how foxy serious her stare and thoughts are. Either overly bright in dark or just grainy. I’m confused.– I however do love the way she’s posed. I find that lovely and foxy 🙂
Took some images earlier of Vara standing in front of the red “Y” garden landmark to only end up mostly washed-out by the sun. People were happily taking images all throughout the meet-up, even when we first circled towards the “Y”. The next batch of wandering people were observing what I and others were doing with a very serious curiosity. So strong that it even caught me during my attention-grabbing photo-snapping.
– Happily enjoying Ottawa’s nature she be.– She seems to be enjoying herself a hell of a lot 0_o– So much so that I love taking images of her when she appears photogenic XD.– And reunited with the “table-watch” party. That photo-shoot felt overly rewarding, and it’s not even done yet!– Ah! Varakitsu is activating her red crystal again. That ominous smirk…What you do Vara? Seemed like she cursed my camera or something hmm.
– AH! AH! Making me pick and choose between the Doll Meet vs car spotting. So that’s what you did, Vara. >_> Nice car though!– Kita playfully wandered over towards Vara for some foxy play & to grope Vara’s giant breasts. Silly foxy fun XD.
I was constantly thinking strongly about dressing Varakitsu in her full swimsuit outfit. I caved 50% to simply remove her blue shorts to reveal her swimsuit pantsu once again and to wander over closer to Dow’s Lake for some small round of teasing images once again.
– (I didn’t get any closer to the water fearing either myself or Vara would slip and drown in our own ways.)
– Full swimsuit? Next time. Let’s treat this as a tease for now.– Experimenting with Vara’s wardrobe further by giving her the new legging I bought for her recently. Approve?– Varakitsu a tad bit on the grumpy side due to her falling shortly after the previous image. Vara happily playing with Kodama’s girl in that annoyed taunting manner. Her wig went up a bit exposing more of her eyebrows which throws things off for me.– You do not know how annoyed I became not being able to photo-shoot the passing sports cars like the old Ford GT (Ferrari Killer), Lambo, Classic Cars, and etc. It drove me nuts within my mind.– “Deal with it!”– A foxy “deal with it”!– “Got a problem with that?” – Vara
– Now that’s the proper Ford Mustang that people should own and worship! Not that new crappy plastic looking piece of shit almost everybody owns.
The wig now properly adjusted once I noticed what threw off the look at the meet-up. Possibly a tad bit too late, yet still quite enjoyable. Also even after grooming her hair enough to not be all over the place as well as much.
– Kita power! I now sense a sunglasses Dollfie Dream boom for Ottawa now.– I’m now going to go on a hunt for sunglasses for Varakitsu. This is just too amusing.– Funny story with this Ferrari. I ran from the picnic table and past a tree to take an image of this Ferrari while the driver looked back at me with a police car following right behind. Those sitting at the table commented with “drooooool” and laughed a lot. I couldn’t help it!
Damn you Ottawa for teasing me WAY too much with cars I couldn’t take images of! I’m glad I spotted the, but damn…..that was getting way too excessive with how much you had to annoy me and drive me mad. Spotting old classic cars, a silver 360 Ferrari spyder, a silver Lambo with a loose Italian flag decals among many other lovely cars. Such a damn tease!
I also of course made it to Spark’s street for the Ribfest, which I didn’t take images of, after a comical run after an 85 bus with the group. Didn’t take images because I was overwhelmed with the people at the ribfest. I was starving and craving for ribs which didn’t allow me to have the camera on mind. I just wanted to go home to look at my images after grabbing what I came to grab at Ribfest as well. I was also annoyingly $5 short making me a failure in basic math *sighs heavily*. Need $50 next time around hmm.
Everything about this meet-up was awesome, unique, highly rewarding, and very enjoyable. If you missed my May photo-shoot then I highly recommend you go check it out now. I’m overly happy and satisfied with all my images I took and with this meet-up.
Thanks for viewing, hope you enjoyed, and see you next time!