Figma/Grail War – Winter Malice

Thought I’d bring back the “Figma/Grail War” in another “experiment” to see if I can take this slightly further. With winter quickly turning into Spring posing figures outdoors should be much easier as fingers won’t numb out as quickly, heh. I also dislike posing figures indoors and would rather use the natural scenery outdoors then fake ones.

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Ecchi warning – Unavoidable Pantsu scenes.

Decided to give Kanu her own article as she hasn’t starred in one yet. Kanu? Spring? Appropriate? I say it is, to a degree :p.

Figma/Grail War – Intro

KanuLong haired “skimpy” girl from Ikkitousen Anime series.
KurahkA lizard like “Anger” aligned Rahkshi. From the Bionicle lego line.
Kohrak-KalA chubby Elite Ice elemental. From the Bionicle Lego Line.

During one of Kanu’s patrols she discovers an odd trap causing her curiosity to spike high. She goes to investigate the oddity. With winter coming to a close various native spirits grow vicious as their source of energy gradually weakens hour by hour and day by day.

(May need to adjust settings to see fishing line wire that someone else placed around a tree.)

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Kanu: Hmm? A trap? Can’t be…something would of sprung by now. I wonder….

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*Kanu calmly gets up to study her scenery and ventures off into the northern direction.*

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*Few minutes later Kanu is threatened by a Kurhak, a relentless winter spirit.*

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FX – *Clang!* as both spears perry against one another.

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*Kanu quickly leaps onto the wintery lizard like beast’s shoulders, stabbing it hastily, before leaping up towards a dried thin tree.*

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*jiiiii* (or *stare*)

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*Leaving the lance within the snow, Kanu quickly leap kicks downwards as she sends the winter spirit falling to the ground.*

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*Kanu unknowingly boots a slimy mind controlling entity  into the snow.*

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Seeing Victory Kanu attempts to further investigate a suspicious matter……or so she thought……..

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FX – *rip*

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FX – *boot*

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*Kanu breaths heavily as she attempts to recover from the ambush.*

Kanu:  *whispers to herself* Hmph……this snow is draining away my energy…there…there must be something here after all.

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Too be continued….(May see a third part.)


The last bits of snow my Figma’s will see this year. I wanted to close off Spring in a nice clean Figma manner and less muddy images that Rin (Vocaloid) was part of. This was also requested by Strategist, a scorpion lover, who asked about a Figma vs Bionicle “comic”.This article is it and I also took pictures of scorpions for him as well (Figma Meiya review).

Also, if you’re still confused what Figma/Grail is then I’ll quickly tell you.
– Figma’s randomly dueling with a loose plot line.
– Has a slight supernatural tone to it.
– Loosely based off of Fate/Stay Night Anime. Trying to aim it in a different direction though.
– Just something fun to lighten up the blog’s mood and to allow my Figma’s to “hang out” on random outings around town.


Bonus images:

Want proof that Spring is here? We have hordes of Ducks and Seagulls invading the Ottawa River once more. Are they secretly building a warship made out of ice?

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and two Canada Geese came to notify us that Spring is officially here! Those three ducks stirring up trouble, the Geese don’t care.

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Oh, the city of Ottawa is going to have a field day this summer as well. People will still feed the Geese even though there are visible “Do not feed the birds!” signs around them….in plain sight I might add.

-> Thanks for reading my article and hope you enjoyed it. Bye bye winter and Hello Spring and Summer :P.