The Final Farewell to Shinki-Net’s Battle Rondo

Time to pay my final respects for Shinki-net, Battle Rondo, and Diorama Studio with this final farewell. I do apologize if I may have pulled its parting a bit too much, I did try to keep the farewells to a respectful minimum without spamming. Managed to save up quite a bit of content that needs sharing for both remembrance and nostalgia’s sake!

(Link – MySite) – Benio! Do wonder what you’re saying though, you caught me by surprise haha.

(All images and videos taken from Shinki-net’s Battle Rondo which is now extinct. This is in memory of a once awesome MMO. Video embed heavy!)

The month of November being the month of remembrance eh? We pay our respects to veterans that fought in various wars (mostly WW1, WW2, and Korean being brought up), along with this Battle Rondo and Pocky day – The Pocky Day on November 11 seems quite random.

Related Article:

– Farewell Battle Rondo & Diorama Studio – DS P7
(Contains all the past links to other BR & DS related articles.)

Anyways, Persocom invited me to participate in the final battles in Rondo’s cafe area (I just couldn’t decline!) where we fought “for-fun” battles to ease the passing of this nice game. I’ve played many, and this one just hit the right spots.

*Note: There are three different players with different Japanese characters, yet I can’t translate their names so I’ll stick them as Riiana or Unknown. Until I translate that they will be known as Riiana or unknowns.

(Link – MySite) – Hearts! The final large clusters of hearts I’ll ever see!

(Link – MySite)

(Link – MySite) – Randomness that seems to fit Sharatang’s color scheme.

(Link – MySite) – Merry Tsugu-mas!~ Close enough.


Final Rondo Cafe Battles – Videos:

The following videos were taken within the Cafe area. These battles are basically for fun, don’t damage your ranking, and allows you to fight amongst other Busou Shinkiers’ without ruining anything. Just hang out and chat!

Time to see how many video embeds I can add.

– Sharatang vs Eukrante:

– Renge vs Mao:

– Renge vs Mizuki:

– Benio vs Tsugaru:

– Kohiru vs Xiphos:

– Renge vs Altine:

– Renge vs Wafflebunny:

(Link – MySite) – Beach ball packs quite a punch! Ouch!~

– Fubuki vs Howling:

– Howling vs Straf:

– Benio vs Merienda:

– Renge vs Asuka:

(Link – MySite) – Battle of the Foxes! Even though Fubuki is technically a Ninja-Tengu.

– Renge vs Fubuki:

– Lacamento vs Sharatang:

– Eukrante vs Tsugaru:

– Howling vs Renge:

– Tigris vs Renge:

– ??? vs Renge:

– Renge vs Renge:

Wish the final battle was more epico and that I ranked my Renge to A, but eh….Too late. Hope you liked all these videos!


The Final Moments of Rondo & Cafe:

Both me and Persocom recorded the final farewells and conversation of the new Shinki game – Battle Communications.

(Link – MySite) – Part 1.

(Link – MySite) – P2 – Me rambling on about Battlemaster MK2 and DLC…

(Link – MySite) – P3

(Link – MySite) – The last screen before being disconnected. I pressed the button and couldn’t log back in! “Resistance is futile!” – Konami

Rondo was fun while it lasted. And I thank the Japanese community for being very kind! Your befriending of both Persocom and myself knowing Rondo will be no more was a nice gesture. Thanks for having us!

Quick Side-Note:
– English Shinki site was pulled:
(It will give you a 404 domain error. Most likely pulled once Moon Angel came out.)

Busou Shinki – Battle Communications:

For those that registered with Shinki-net would of gained an E-mail notifying players of this new mobile phone application. The e-mail would of contained the same codes and an extra one on the home-page. This looks to be what Battle Rondo is, but in a lesser form while aimed at smartphones – android and iphones. The art is chibi’fied while the concept appears to be simplified for basic mobile use.

Sadly, it looks like it will be for the Japanese locals only, I may end up lucking out on this. I have a smartphone but I fear localization errors. I would love to give it a try because I’m actually quite curious, yet disappointed with what Rondo was replaced with.



And with that, may you Rest In Peace Shinki-net! Thanks for viewing and hope you enjoyed all the Battle Rondo and Diorama Studio images and videos I shared! I shall obviously miss playing interacting with my Busou Shinki gals. Wish I could of ranked at least one of them to their max rank.