Another Year of Epic March

Awesome! Another year and another awesome March!

(Link – MySite) – 1000 Sushi Island is just as good as Kiko Sushi Bar’s food. Tempura Don and Salmon.

(Images taken on various cameras and from various games.)

What makes March so epic you ask?

1) – Pokemon Bland & White (I purchased White and considered it an awesome game! Nice addition.[typo’d black and left it, sorry.])
2) – Busou Shinki Figures – (Arnval MK2 Tempesta and Strarf MK2 Lavina; I didn’t get)
3) – Formula 1 – Bahrain (Cancelled) and Australian (Damn you Vettel and Hamilton! Shoo!)
4) – Spring – (For those that got cabin fever and generally hate winter. Though, to hate is to love it as you’re paying attention to it.)
5) – Figma Kos-Mos – (Still on my radar to get!)
6) – Busou Shinki Battle Masters Hit – (I already have the PSP game so this newer version are for those new PSP Shinkiers.)
7) – White Day – 14 – (Well, not really special to me and North Americans, but it is something to note if interested in Japan. It’s a reversed Valentines Day.)
8.) – Japanese Earthquake(Not epic in a great way, but in a devastated way. I don’t even mean this in a bad or negative way. Even though this quake only shook Japan, it shook the world via corrupted news headlines. Do donate to Japanese Red Cross for max-efficiency! I pray for Japan! We pray for Japan!)
9)- Busou Shinki Kohiru – Chopstick type – Makes it into Battle Rondo! News right here.
10) – Cherry Blossoms/Plum blossoms – (They’re starting to blossom in both Japan and Vancouver; I wish I was in either places!)
11) – Shinki Benio and Renge animation – (My stop animation was requested and made it into POTD (Picture of the day) on my figure collections – below. Thanks!)
12) – Renge’s best wishes – (Renge wished me a lovely b-day in the most hilarious and amusing expression one can give. I ended up laughing for the good whole day!)



Shinki POTD

Had a POTD before with Shinki Renge, but I don’t have the image on my hard-drive. The results have also long been altered.

(Link – MySite) – Benio and Renge made it within the top 5 on MFC!

Renge’s Amusing reaction

Translation by Ken_works:
She said, “Hey, Master. Your birthday today? Just turned about 200,000,000 years old? Wow, really? You are too young!

(Do note her Kitsune background.)

(Link – MySite & Flickr) – :O!!!

–Possible room for another edit so feel free to visit before April 1st. If nothing, feel free to lurk elsewhere after March 31st–


Guess that’s about it. Thanks for the flood on mfc and twitter, had to wear a life-vest! 😛 Kon!