Playstation 3 Home – Part 4 – Christmas Festivities

Hello! With Christmas nearing closer both Sony and various Home space developers have been hard at work updating their spaces for Christmas. Quite a nice touch. I went on both the American and Japanese Home servers to share these festivities with you.

(Link – MySite)

(All images taken from PS3’s Home on both American and Japanese server.)

Might as well share some festivities from the video game region. Developers tend to get quite creative, or sometimes adding simple touches to make the game feel suited for the festivities.

Related Articles:

Playstation 3 Home – Part 3 – Halloween & Traditional Japan:

Playstation 3 Home – Thanksgiving:

Playstation 3 Home – Part 2:

Playstation 3 Home – Part 1:

Lockwood Publishing:

HA! Amusing to see I’m a silly Gingerbread man. Crazy.

Well, this was one of the first Home spaces I seen getting into the festive spirit, so naturally it ends up being the first to be shown. Not all that bad, and they are trying to make Home a better place. They got some pets, some classy-elegant fashion wear, some weird pets, and even Japan-American (Japanese concept with an American twist) created mecha suits.

(Link – MySite) – Adopt a pet?

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(Link – MySite) – Looks yummy! Want some? And the gal to the left looks similar to Canaan. Also, ignore that dude in his speedo *looks away*.

American/Canadian Shopping Mall:

The shopping area decorated lightly with Christmas decorations. This seemed like the only place decorated with such. Checked the main hub and it had nothing.

(Link – MySite) – Shopping mall decorations.

Winter Holiday Hullabaloo

A semi-simplistic Home space featuring everything winter and Christmas! Maybe not everything, but it does seem to replace the festivities that should be taking place at the main hub and placing it here instead. I’m not really complaining, just noting the dev’s decision.

This place basically reminds me of Ottawa’s Winterlude and the winter Ottawa normally should have. You can sit around the fire, stare at snowmans, go for a dip in the hot-tub, stare at two polar bears, or even simply dance. There are also cameras set up for your camera-taking pleasure. You have a camera of your own so I don’t know why they set one up. The mood?

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(Link – MySite) – Nice warm fire *actually freezing*.

(Link – MySite) – Yes, I did purchase a fox mask and tail for my avatar. Might as well.

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(Link – MySite) – Two nice polar bear snow/ice sculptures. Reminds me of Winterlude.

(Link – MySite) – Never did play that game.

(Link – MySite) – A lovely outdoor hot-tub if you fancy a dip.

Japanese Shopping District: (Japanese Home Space)

Unsure on it’s real name, but Granzella Inc made another nice Home space. They’re really on the ball pumping these spaces out. This one features a mall area with hanging Christmas decorations, a fashion shop, a snack stand, Yakuza messing about with their Mercs’s, a brawl between two people inside the mall, some mini-games, people-served food area, and a dancing club area. Quite nice and simple.

(Link – MySite)

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(Link – MySite) – Yakuza messing around? She also looks lonely. Nice Merc’.

(Link – MySite) – Shopping area decorated with festive signs and lights.

(Link – MySite) – Whack-a-mole? Didn’t try.

(Link – MySite) – A brawl.

(Link – MySite) – Party! Also decent music. Nothing special, but nice to hang around at with buddy from another city or country to catch up on things.

(Link – MySite) – It seems players could serve other ones, similar to Sodium’s drink serving mini-game. I find these amusing, and it adds to “role play” a tad.

Japanese Home-space Hub:

Quite simple and to the point I see. Just a bit of snow touching the ground, two structures with simplistic light decoration. Hmm. Guess that works? Hope you guys and gals in Japan will have fun!

I have some with Parliament Hill in Ottawa if you’re interested. Was trying to photoshoot Miku Hatsune that time around and someone asked if I needed help.

(Link – MySite) – Nice and bright. Looks cool with those lights.

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I thought I’d add the following as a bonus, didn’t want to make a separate article for it.

Traditional Japanese Fishing retreat.
(Not official name. It’s owned by Granzella & GAW.)

This traditional Japanese Home space expands from another Home Space (shared here) allowing you to fish for various water entities. Unsure what you really fish, though I did see people pulling of cute flailing Kappa’s. Sadly, it seems you need to pay to fish, or I’m just that oblivious due to me not knowing enough Japanese. If fishing is not your thing then simply take a swift stroll around the space and resume your tasks. Simply hop back the way you came and return to slaying demons.

I approve of this space.

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(Link – MySite) – Fishy~

(Link – MySite) – Nice! I do want one now that I seen it.

(Link – MySite)

Tons of fishing areas if you’re ever in the mood to fish in a traditional setting filled with Sheryl Nome, Miku, BRS, WRS, and samurai costumes.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Also Happy Hanukkah!

The Happy Holiday bullcrap is getting out of hands so, Merry Christmas as it originally was mentioned! Canadian schools are trying to remove everything Christmas, along with bus drivers (orange school bus) to remove anything festive. We basically have grinches trying to steal Christmas from every spot possible.

Now to fight off this cold I obtained.