Vancouver 2022 Summer Trip – Day 6

– A slinky bus at my highly frequented travel spot.

This blog posting covers the full day of July 20th, 2022. While I was at the airport in the day previous I’ve noticed a 747 Lufthansa landing at a specific time, something I desired to capture on this very day. I went around Vancouver with this sole plan of capturing the Lufthansa 747 landing, visiting Daiso and Oomomo, among other amusements. My adventures took me in a zig-zaggy way around Vancouver. A comment made under the breath in the day previous set me off for the next day to just make the most of it during this day. Sorry, we’re all frustrated.

I’m simply thankful I’m alive trying to make the most of things, especially in a city I know nothing about. I was pushed far out of my comfort zone trying to make sense of everything happy I’ve gained a lot of rewards to enjoy this trip with.

Trip Index:
[Prelude/Prologue] – [Day 1] – [Day 2] – [Day 3] – [Day 4] – [Day 5]

– Taking the Skytrain to capture one specific plane. I was also on a journey to visit a certain store at a certain location.
– I genuinely love the Skytrain, the best thing ever that could have happened to Vancouver.

And again, I wish Ottawa was this intelligent when it came to installing their LRT into Ottawa. Instead, both Vancouver & Ottawa enjoy playing faux-politics causing needless delays to both the Skytrain’s needed expansion, and Ottawa’s idiotic brain-drain. Both cities love being idiotic in various ways causing certain needless headaches. Ottawa loves buying for cheap expecting luxurious results while Vancouver loves playing fake politics stunting any necessary expansions needed for Surrey, and other neighboring areas. As for the Richmond area, they genuinely need to push their Skytrain down to Gary Point Park, or somewhere around there. Anywhere. Make it connect with Steveston Community Park, or whatever you have to do. Basically do anything that doesn’t involve fake political trash and fake gender ideologies nonsense.

I love the Skytrain, I however want to see it used to its full potential. Same with the LRT in Ottawa. Cut it with the fake politics and focus on things that actually matter. Holy hell…….. It’s honestly no wonder Canada tends to be the laughing stock of the world………

– No joke, Skytrain is the best thing that could have happened to Vancouver.
– Everybody loves hogging the front seat. I was unable to capture any front views.
– Heading off to Aberdeen Centre.

My friend asked me if it was possible to make my way to the Aberdeen shopping Centre from this Skytrain platform. My only time there I was unable to find a way in, having to take the long way around. If there was an obvious direct route into the mall I would have taken it. If someone knows of a better way to enter the Aberdeen Centre via the south-bound Skytrain I would love to know about it.

– Trying to find Oomomo to end up stumbling into tourist traps, such as these model shops and hobby stores.
– Sweet Garage. Bought myself and my friend some overly expensive mini vehicles. Overpriced……. $30 each.
– Curious about this ‘H Mart’ place.

No joke…. Trying to find Oomomo was a journey in itself. I found every other store first before I could even find Oomomo. My luck just works that way, and it also occurred in a another blog posting following this. Trying to find what I’m looking for is always a journey in itself. A restroom run, being lost, and just trying to make sense of everything was confusing. Being socially awkward and out of place, fun stuff.

– At last! I stumbled upon the Oomomo after much distraction, delays, etc.
– This is actually not bad. It may end up becoming generic the more you venture here, it however has everything you need and desire.
– If I ever need plates, and other necessities I can always try to obtain from here.
– Great selection of Japanese treats, some of which I was unable to obtain locally in Ottawa.

I’d rather deal with Asians and feel alienated than deal with fake hipsters of Vancouver trying to censor everything you enjoy in life. Labeling everybody ‘Alt-Right’, and ‘Freedom Convoy’ as an “cult”, or whatever nonsense. And yes, I was constantly on edge constantly being reminded about this, hence why I’m noting it in every blog posting on a daily basis. In that very weird and strange way I felt strangely at home. Maybe for all the times I’ve been exposed to Chinese culture by my parents, or Asian media, including Anime. I’d rather hide in Richmond feeling alienated than deal with social corruption.

Feeling my time is running out I purchased my things, tried to make sense of the Skytrain backtracking my way back to the station heading straight to Bridgeport and Templeton station. I needed to capture that Lufthansa 747 landing. I would later find out I could have spent slightly more time there, even could have potentially enjoyed Oomomo’s crepes. The Skytrain is that surprisingly efficient, or at least from my perspective.

A mistake I also made was how red as a lobster (sun burnt) I was from plane spotting the day previous. I spent far too long the day previous in the sun trying to capture the JAL18 plane. Trying to not replicate the same mistake I relaxed at Templeton station for awhile (in the shade) trying to wait it out, both surprised and annoyed at how early I was till Lufthansa’s landing. I made sure to cover my skin with my sweater, which I also stupidly wore, to carry my things around. I was caught off guard by how efficient the Skytrain was, noting this same observation to my friend.

– Unmarked white plane. Blurry, at that.
– Now that’s a good scale. I love how low and large it appears.
– United

Two kids with professional cameras (DSLR) hung around here for a lengthy while plane spotting in the same manner I was. I had my phone, they had their DSLR, with me fixated solely on Lufthansa.

– Eh, why not. Let’s capture this while I can.
– There it is! Right behind another plane, wooo! They’re both on final.
– Lufthansa 747 & the CRJ landing.
– CRJ admiration.
– Lufthansa 747!
– The money shot! 🙂
– Beautiful!
– Seeing the beautiful landing gears.
– Worth it!
– Capturing all these images to make it worth it.
– Cropped image for wallpaper purposes.
– CargoJet doing its thing, provoking me a tad bit.

Below: Air China was a bonus shot, as noted by the kids hanging around the Templeton Station area taking pictures. They announced its presence, I stayed, and I took pictures. A bus drove happily in front as “we” were taking pictures screwing up my shot. Thankfully the first and other shots were awesome.

– Air China.
– Air China – Nice and low.
– Heading my way back on the beloved Skytrain.

With my goals checked I decided to head off to downtown to visit Daiso, a Japanese dollar store. With my friend’s comment made the night previous let’s go check it out regardless. Two strong motivations to explore.

– The tunnel portion was interesting, though hard to track Google Maps wise. I needed to know where I was. Ended up at Georgia station.
– Pigeons, before they were scared off by a bike being locked back into place.
– Instead of the fake Trans garbage we have these nice traditional spotted banners, the way it should be. I actually quite like this downtown vibe.

At last! A place I desired to visit for many months after my friend made me aware of its presence. Daiso in Vancouver. It actually has some neat worthwhile stuff, some of which I even purchased. I would genuinely come back here, if given the chance.

– Interior of Daiso. Tried to capture an interior shot without people, was difficult.
– Depending on your needs they seem to have what you need.
– Various Japanese snacks.

With that done, off to the next area. Through a park filled with SJW nonsense selling stupid brainwashed crap, and back to what my Mexican friend viewed it as “Japanese Street”, or “Little Japan”. Robson Street. Where to? The next Oomomo, and where we were the day previous. I ventured to all the Japanese retail stores I could find. I came to Vancouver to connect with the Japanese culture with Vancouver being the closest to Japan.

– An old Chevrolets, or so I assume it is. These old vintage vehicles would drive me mad how skittish they are of cameras.
– Admiring the trolly buses.
– A neat Oomomo with some decent selection inside. Bought a few things from here, especially for my friends.

My biggest fear being my friends throwing out the stuff I gift them, selling them off, or just simply getting rid of them. I went out of my way to purchase these gifts for them with that fear in mind. I still purchases them various gifts for how much they’ve helped me out.

– Inside the Oomom on Robston

I partially doubled my way back the way I came heading towards some slight familiar area. I curiously even noticed two Japanese girls with a Daiso bag walking down and towards Burrard Station (something I would discover later about the station part) while I stupidly went to Portal Park to wait for a friend. Why stupid? I could have wandered my way over to the Steam Clock further away. I, instead, used my power bank to charge my phone while playing Azur Lane. I stupidly waited there for my friend when I could have gone elsewhere.

I could have even made my way towards the Steam Clock.

– Portal Park.

While waiting two people were arguing. A girl screaming, shouting and a guy telling her she is a crazy bastard needing to leave. Vulgarities. The girl seemed highly obsessive, highly clingy and under heavy amounts of influence. Probably one of those girls who wants love in the fake-love way without showing actual natural love. The fake side of a city, basically.

– Oldie
– This art is better than graffiti. More of this!
– Briefly eating at Suika admiring the Japanese atmosphere and the music.

We had to rush to visit a presentation about space. Visiting Vancouver’s space and astrology centre.

– Planetarium Vancouver.
– Space presentation.
– How to spot stars and planets; Star Wars Tatooine music playing.
– Space.
– While waiting for it to get darker we ventured around Vanier Park admiring the beauty.
– Admiring the various scenic beauties.
– An event was being held in the biggest tent.

I wanted to note from where we were looking how this area reminded me of Los Angeles’s observatory. The real version and the Grand Theft Auto version based on ‘Griffith Observatory’.

– Vancouver’s cityscape.
– Friend and I admiring the various scenic parts.
– Gorgeous water and sunset.
– Even with this sunset it was still amazing. Admired the beauty, thinking back to Croatia and Tucepi.
– Couldn’t get enough with how amazing the skyline was.
– Slightly better view of the barge.
– That gorgeous glow of the sunset. Love it!
– This exact location reminded me of Croatia, Tucepi.
– Lovely glow with the reflection and plane flying over.
– What a neat perspective, especially in person. Everything is better in person.
– Video – Adjusting the dome and telescope.
– Telescope admiration.

I had fun observing the stars, when given the chance. Was shown binary stars, star clusters, and etc. Good memories, except for a few chuckled when I awkwardly tried to view the stars. It was difficult trying to view whatever we were viewing. I know it’s in good fun, my frustration was paired up with being alienated by not being asked about my experiences, or what we’re seeing. I’m always the moron.

I actually enjoyed my time here. I at first had my doubts about the guy in the video above being politically influenced, he however came out to be a cool guy. He knew what he was talking about and I respect him for that. Even the husky sounding voice with a damaged throat doing the presentation about how to spot stars, identify them, and how to make sense of the data you have. It’s with what I’ve learned on Youtube and the game ‘Space Engine’.

– Such a nice view. What made it stand out even further was how it felt like ‘Ottawa’ with the Canada Geese roaming around.

Another enjoyable day noted, one I can be proud of. A few more vintage cars I was unable to capture enroute back to base. Visited Aberdeen mall, had fun visiting two Oomomo and one Daiso store, and even capturing the Lufthansa 747 plane. Lots of good memories here. A few irritations here and there, it however seems to be natural. With how much I’m probably out of my comfort zone I’m probably becoming more snappy, especially when pushed even further out into slight alienation in certain areas. I’m genuinely proud I visited various areas, captured what I had captured, and seen more of the Skytrain. I’m happy with the rewards gained, just slightly irritated by the whole “no fun allowed” vibe mentality covering Canada. I’m happy with what I had, everything however has to be turned into a ‘guilty pleasure’ type of thing.

If British Columbia was genuinely true to its nature it would be the best province ever. Drop the whole fake political garbage (with Ontario) then both provinces can become the best in the nation. For now, what makes both B.C & Ontario stand out is natural culture and the scenery. The scenery being the best thing ever, same with the culture. Once you get to the nitty gritty and fake stuff that’s when it becomes weird. Even the various technologies not corrupted by fake political trash. I admire various modes of transportations, how Vancouver is run, and how much better it appears to be when compared to Ottawa in various aspects. A culture shock. I had my fun, I made the most of my travels. I gifted my friends hoping they genuinely admire what I gifted them.

Off to snooze and for Day 7!