Season’s Greetings – 2009 -> 2010

Thought I’d add one last article before the 2009 concludes, turning into the year 2010. Also, as I missed out on last year’s Christmas spirit I took twice as many images as I normally would in a two part article from  Taffy Lane and the Parliament Building itself. Hope you enjoy the super article that contains 58 images to ease the blog’s happy atmosphere to the year 2010.

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Figma Merry Christmas!

What is white and cold, dark and illuminated, silent and cheerful, fluffy and pointy, grinchy and generous? A cold winter night with bright illuminations hanging off tree’s and balconies with people sharing gifts as people forgive others for their sins. Its the time for sharing and giving and to celebrate Jesus’s birth! Hope you guys are having a nice fun jolly Christmas Celebration!

Oh, and the Figma’s as well :).

(Link – MySite)

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Canada, Ottawa – Fall ’09 Image flood

Thats right, Canada Ottawa. I’m going to seperate my Figmas from my Ottawa scenery images as I noticed my Figma “first glance reviews” tend to be reviewed within an odd and incomplete manner. I may review them again in a proper manner this time around while linking back to the old ones.

I also noticed many comments, from here and on my MSN, saying how much people enjoy seeing Ottawa scenery. If you guys seem to like it that much I’ll post more of it for you guys to drool on. The below images are from beginning of September till today’s date on the article (Sunday, October 11, 2009), hope you enjoy it like you said you did ^_^.

This article is image heavy (49) – Enter at your own risk:

(Link – MySite and Flickr)

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Figma/Grail War – Intro

I keep acquiring Figma’s and only one seems to keep coming out at a time. I thought “maybe I should go back and replicate the Figma play I did when I first obtained Figma Lily Saber”. Time to experiment and see how exactly I can implement a “random story”, along with using the Figmas in the fashion I intended to do so from the beginning.

With that, will the “Figma/Grail War” be only an intro story or expand into more detailed story/image articles? Time to find out…….

(Link – MySite)

Somewhere within Canada, a new group of participants have been recruited to participate within another Holy Grail War. Unlike the previous Holy Grail Wars, this one calls upon well respected “heroines” upon various realms and dimensions. The Figma/Grail War! Reason? To obtain a mysterious prize when the victor remains victorious till the very end, beating the rest. Who shall survive and win till the end?

Continue reading Figma/Grail War – Intro

Figma Saber – Late get

Hello again, This time I shall be quick reviewing Figma Saber this time around. I know many of you already have her within your collection(s) while others may have not obtained her. I have been attempting to obtain her even before I have bought Figma Haruhi but haven’t had much luck until late last month. I finally managed to find her on Hobbysearch and get her from there, nicely wrapped in paper, though a semi-slow process in arriving here.

(Link – MySite)

For those who don’t know who Saber is might want to pick up my favourite Anime called “Fate/Stay Night” which got me into Anime (Gundam introduced me while Fate welcomed me with open arms). In short, Saber is one of the 7 servants within that show who fights within a secretive Holy Grail war as she is partnered with a passive main character, Emiya Shirou.

Continue reading Figma Saber – Late get

Figma Halloween Lindt antics

Today I was given a nice tasty treat that was decorated a tad bit too early. How many of you tried or like Lindt chocolate? I find it to be one of the tastiest chocolate out there, along with the Pockie almonds. Also are your stores packed with early Halloween goodies, even as far back as late August? Mine has been stocked with early Halloween stuff as early as the end of August.  The Weather even felt like it at one point.

(Link – MySite)

A word of warning: If you are afraid of spiders or have some kind of fears then please look away. I have two images dealing with some medium sized spiders and don’t want to cause someone to shiver. Don’t want someone blaming me behind my pack :p.

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New loot – Figma Signum and Di-Saber

Some might be uninterested but I managed obtain Figma Signum and Diformate Saber. What? I’m a Saber fan and I like the Diformate Saber ^_^. I think I wanted this figure since I saw it in the Anime store for $100 CAD. I’m not that rich so I waited and patience seemed to have rewarded me with a $30 CAD one from playasia. Sorry for the trouble and thanks Playasia.

(Link – MySite)

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