Figma/Grail War – Intro

I keep acquiring Figma’s and only one seems to keep coming out at a time. I thought “maybe I should go back and replicate the Figma play I did when I first obtained Figma Lily Saber”. Time to experiment and see how exactly I can implement a “random story”, along with using the Figmas in the fashion I intended to do so from the beginning.

With that, will the “Figma/Grail War” be only an intro story or expand into more detailed story/image articles? Time to find out…….

(Link – MySite)

Somewhere within Canada, a new group of participants have been recruited to participate within another Holy Grail War. Unlike the previous Holy Grail Wars, this one calls upon well respected “heroines” upon various realms and dimensions. The Figma/Grail War! Reason? To obtain a mysterious prize when the victor remains victorious till the very end, beating the rest. Who shall survive and win till the end?

Continue reading Figma/Grail War – Intro

Figma Saber – Late get

Hello again, This time I shall be quick reviewing Figma Saber this time around. I know many of you already have her within your collection(s) while others may have not obtained her. I have been attempting to obtain her even before I have bought Figma Haruhi but haven’t had much luck until late last month. I finally managed to find her on Hobbysearch and get her from there, nicely wrapped in paper, though a semi-slow process in arriving here.

(Link – MySite)

For those who don’t know who Saber is might want to pick up my favourite Anime called “Fate/Stay Night” which got me into Anime (Gundam introduced me while Fate welcomed me with open arms). In short, Saber is one of the 7 servants within that show who fights within a secretive Holy Grail war as she is partnered with a passive main character, Emiya Shirou.

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Figma Halloween Lindt antics

Today I was given a nice tasty treat that was decorated a tad bit too early. How many of you tried or like Lindt chocolate? I find it to be one of the tastiest chocolate out there, along with the Pockie almonds. Also are your stores packed with early Halloween goodies, even as far back as late August? Mine has been stocked with early Halloween stuff as early as the end of August.  The Weather even felt like it at one point.

(Link – MySite)

A word of warning: If you are afraid of spiders or have some kind of fears then please look away. I have two images dealing with some medium sized spiders and don’t want to cause someone to shiver. Don’t want someone blaming me behind my pack :p.

Continue reading Figma Halloween Lindt antics

New loot – Figma Signum and Di-Saber

Some might be uninterested but I managed obtain Figma Signum and Diformate Saber. What? I’m a Saber fan and I like the Diformate Saber ^_^. I think I wanted this figure since I saw it in the Anime store for $100 CAD. I’m not that rich so I waited and patience seemed to have rewarded me with a $30 CAD one from playasia. Sorry for the trouble and thanks Playasia.

(Link – MySite)

Continue reading New loot – Figma Signum and Di-Saber

Revoltech Fraulein Yoko Movie ver

This time I obtained a Revoltech Fraulein Yoko Movie version from my Anime store. Too my shock this anime store had tons too choose from which made buying something harder to choose. I wasn’t sure what to obtain as they had new figmas, a Haruhi pillow case, and nendos (I don’t have nendos). From all the choices I had I tried to take my chances with this Revoltech Yoko version and see how special this figure really is. I know other people already have this figure but I only just acquired it on Sunday (August 23, 2009).

(Link – MySite)

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Rain, rain, SUN! Shana!

Hello again, time to dust this off again and dry up any wet spots after the constant downpour in my area. I decided to get a bike again and see what I could snap images of this time around.

Not much happened except for me obtaining two wall scrolls, playing games, and sitting out the rain a few times. Still have yet to do a photoshoot for my two new figmas that I obtained a few weeks back. The constant rain killed my interest in anything figure related.

(To view the images in full size then click the link under the image.)

Below image is of the Ottawa River from the bike path inbetween Britannia Beach and Andrew Haydon park. For a river it looks more like a lake the more I seem to eye it.

(Link – MySite)

Continue reading Rain, rain, SUN! Shana!

Ottawa Goes for Sushi?

On my way to Best buy me and someone else noticed a Sushi shop where another restaurant used to be. How many of you within Ottawa go for sushi, or similar? I remember making regular visits to Chinese restaurants and buffets. The first Japanese Sushi I officially noticed (since I wasn’t a Japanese influenced person in the past) within the city was the one within the downtown Ottawa region. A similar one to that is closer to my neighborhood and adds another 5-10 minutes to my 20 minute bike ride to the Anime shop.

(Link – MySite)

Guess the Sushi.

Continue reading Ottawa Goes for Sushi?

Figma Haruhi – Summer version

Crap, I’m slacking. Well, I got another Figma and this time its the Summer Haruhi version. From the looks of it I shall be taking this Haruhi around a lot. Being a summer type Figma, I also attempted to try out a new way of photo shooting my figures for a “review” (being more of an overview then a review – Saber Lily being the review).

(Link – MySite)

And yes, $44 Canadian dollars…..I’m staring at one of my Figma boxes that says $39.99 CAD. Recession, it sucks either way; real or fake. Also forgot to mention I acquired my first Fate/Stay Night manga, woo! Now I just got to get around to reading it. If you haven’t guessed yet Fate/Stay night is one of my favorite Anime series and what got me into being an Anime view/watcher/otaku (whatever you want to call it).

Continue reading Figma Haruhi – Summer version

Figma Ryomou Shimei – First glance

Anybody called for a maid? Went to check out my anime store recently and they didn’t have much, just her and Shana. Ah well, at least I put myself in line for Figma Signum. I didn’t have her and didn’t want to leave the shop empty hande so I grabbed her, paid for her and biked back home. I got her last week on wednesday, but I kind of waited for the “right moment” to review her. Meh, I should of just took pictures of her like I normally would.

I don’t recall ever seeing Ryomou in a maid outfit. Its not like its a bad thing, right? The below images were taken with my Sony W170 Camera, excuse the quality. I should of taken the pictures during the nice warm weather when I had the proper lighting……..

(Link – MySite)

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Ottawa – Spring Time#4 w/figma Rin (Vocaloid)

Another great day meaning another great time to take pictures of the local wildlife, as with figmas. This time I decided to bring Figma Rin to see what kind of images I could end up taking by bringing her along.

Well, I missed out on the Ottawa Tulip festival since I forgot when it was going to take place with me currently cursing that I have missed it. So much for looking at the Japanese tent this year :(. Ah well, there is always next year and more events to go to, right?

Before I go on about it, I thought I’d point out some kick ass Pockies that I found interesting again. The Almond type biscuit sticks that I found yesterday in the local Asian store on the other side of Ottawa. Also a teaser image to the next Figma I got that I will eventually do a photoshoot of, Figma #024 if your curious.

(Link – MySite)

A review of the next Figma will come soon 🙂

Continue reading Ottawa – Spring Time#4 w/figma Rin (Vocaloid)

Ottawa – Spring Time#3 w/figma Haruhi

Excuse the lack of a better post title, heh.

(Link – MySite or Deviantart)

Another beautiful day means another set of great images from the vast open great white green northern nation of Canada. Each week passes meaning a better and greener scenery around the city as well as the nation, woo! This time I brought Haruhi around for the bike ride but wasn’t too sure were to take images so excuse the lack of Figma images.

Continue reading Ottawa – Spring Time#3 w/figma Haruhi

Fraulein Revoltech – Bunny Haruhi

Went to my local Anime Store again and tried to find new Figmas to get. My choices for today were

1) Figma Ryomou Shimei.
2) Figma Mikuru Asahina School Uniform Version.

Either those two or the $100 CAD Deformed Saber figure (Link)…….. I can hear my wallet crying already :(. I also saw bunny ear’d Nagi-san (Link). Nice choices but damn, I’ll try getting them online for cheaper (slim chance).

Well I checked out the Haruhi Bunny revoltech and saw one that seemed to be opened and twisted around. I made sure that what I was checking out was as best of a quality before I took one.� She looks cool and in perfect condition, so I picked her up and bought her. She also had a guitar which made me get her over the other two Figmas.

(Link – MySite)

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