Happy (Foxy 2015) New Year!

Hey! Happy New Year! I know it’s not really foxy as it’s more of a sheep year than a fox year. Have a lovely arctic foxy to share along with some light ramblings. Happy Sheep New Year & 2015!

– A little throw-back to last year’s sake thirst for this lovely foxy.

(All images taken with a Lumix GF1 – Pancake lens.)

Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed 2014 in some way, shape, or form. I know I have, and  accomplished quite a bit. Not enough, just those that needed to push me forward higher into 2015. Others obviously being Varakitsu sided. Shall soon follow up with a year in review on the blog side of things after this one. This is just to simply chime in on the eve of a New Year on 2014 transitioning into 2015.

Also wanted to do a little ‘throw-back’ to Varakitsu’s younger days when firmly hugging onto a sake bottle. The time of ‘Renge’s Spring-Dance‘. Holding the sake bottle from before while also now happily toying around with the new Tim Horton’s cup.

– Happily playing with a festive Tim Horton’s cup.

I would have to say that 2014 was a great year, just not a year that was all too kind. Wasn’t as horrible as 2013, just something forcing me to become more….jaded, or zombie-like as it continues to test what I’m actually interested in, and what I am not by constantly provoking me. I was more shackled in things I could and couldn’t do, more so with the growing lacking interest in the hobbies I’m in from other sides. To me 2014 was both a happy and depressing year because I was forced into detaching myself from the things I had once enjoyed the most. Constantly getting into some sort of argument, dispute, or finding lack of interest when out in the actual world. Constant disinterest.

Now to sum everything up into a Pros and cons before going into detail a bit later.


– 2014 in Review – Blog Wise & Partially Personal:

The Pros:

  • Happily obtained fox ears for Varakitsu. She is now happily wearing them photogenically. Vara also hitting her first anniversary, maturing nicely with her new ears. (Source: 1 & 2 & Ikeda’s picture finally arriving.)
  • Amused at Japanese games making note of my birthday over ‘primitive’ North American games. I miss these small features in modern games as it’s more about being lemming-like, retarded, and for cash-cow purposes. Needs to go back to fun.
  • The Anime this year was spectacular. Enjoyed almost each and every one of them.
  • Me happily wandering over to G-Anime while having Vara cosplay as Koko from Jormungand. It was mostly satisfactory. Even had Vara’s image commissioned for my blog’s ‘about page’.
  • Happily went to Ottawa’s Winterlude with Varakitsu. Had a nice meet-up, even if I did fuck up.
  • The 7th happy anniversary to my messy blog. Still going mostly strong with Anime and random bullshit.
  • The ‘Ottawa Doll Show‘ during the spring moment was awesome. Glad to have participated in this event. Problem however being with Ottawa for being a small sleepy city making things more boring than they actually are. Dolls are just boring traditional dolls. Like Ford and Dodge to those not into the whole hobby.
  • Taking images of Varakitsu outdoors was the best during the last snow-fall of the season. Worth it! Nice and mischievous.
  • Varakitsu’s tail was finally fixed after many noticeable phases in rips. Her tail now holding firmly. Once again being Vara’s proud feature.
  • Being able to catch the ‘Ottawa’s Day of Honour‘ to pay respect to those that came back from Afghanistan.
  • ComicCon in Ottawa was awesome. First time going and had loads of fun. Lots of nice memories with R2-D2 approaching me, Dr. Who props, Minecraft goodies, being complimented on my 501st shirt, and the whole thing.
  • Spring took a long while to reach Ottawa so I took advantage of it with Sharatang. Happily took images of her among the Crab Apple tree while one person thought of me as some crazy idiot. Images being worth it!
  • Happily taking Varakitsu out on my own again at the Experimental Farm and Dow’s Lake area. Was a mostly rewarding experience. Still irritated at minor mistakes here and there.
  • A lovely summer naturally spawning an awesome meet-up with the others at Dow’s Lake. Main focus was to first take images of other people’s dolls before wandering over to Vara by taking advantage of her with the scenery. Was 80% rewarding, 20% depressing.
  • Happily taking advantage of Canada Day with both Varakitsu and in Minecraft. It was a brutal summer that I just couldn’t tolerate.
  • Catching up on movies on Bell Fibe which allowed me to finally watch “Modra“, Riddick, Star Trek Movies, RIPD, and a few more. Nice service, nice movie catch-ups, and nice fun.
  • Japanese Summer Festival. Out of the 7 years (or so) I finally wandered over to a Japanese festival in my area. It’s a quiet city that’s not all too local, nor proud, of what it enjoys so it’s hard to enjoy things to the fullest. Was awesome to go there, even for a doll meet, while having fun taking extra images. It was generally very fun.
  • Happily taking Varakitsu outdoors again, this time in what I found to be a European styled outfit to wear on the few final warm days of summer and autumn. Happily took Vara & Renge out again in the autumn period with more enjoyable images.
  • Halloween is a hit-and-miss in Ottawa. Depending on where you go you’ll either be bored as shit or entertained greatly. I had to make my own fun by ‘light-playing’ with Varakitsu.
  • The snow pictures on both the Busou Shinki side and Varakitsu side being quite rewarding. Snow behaved all so awkwardly this year.
  • Happily still being festive when it comes to Europe’s Sinterklaas festivities. While people trying to call out racism with the chimney minions I was more focused on the fun of taking images with my foxy & the Busou Shinkis.
  • Things didn’t go my way this Christmas, yet I still had fun with Varakitsu for Christmas. Was wanting more outdoor images, yet was denied by the stupidest of things.

The cons:

  • Not being able to travel due to other things building up barriers. Myself included. Personal issues shackling me, restricting me when it comes to meet-ups, festivities, and etc. Constant anger, frustration, and zombie-like reactions afterward. The things that made past festive images possible now being a nostalgic thought and a future desire in other settings.
  • Death to Minecraft thanks to Mojang’s stupidity, 1.8 instability, personal issues, provocations on all sides, disinterest, and obvious ignoring. I still have itches and desires to play Minecraft. I still have dreams about Minecraft. I just can’t play it because my conflicting issues, private issues, hosting issues, and every sort of issues to prevent simple game sessions. I’m still overly bitter about the whole Minecraft conflict and the whole disappearance mixed with obvious ignoring. Gone with the wind, like a completed season of an Anime.
  • Anything dealing with games turned into a snore-fest, guilt-fest, and just something forced on the chopping block. I’m simply not allowed to play games  because system requirements, the state they’re in, how milk-cash-ish they’re made, boring, stupid, or whatever else is used to describe how uninspiring the game industry is on both sides of the ocean (both Atlantic and Pacific). Can’t have fun in games anymore because of how strictly tense and unimaginative game industry also became.
  • The final Swan Song of Busou Shinki because Konami Japan doesn’t know how to manage their line. They clearly fucked up. It’s depressing that the line had to die, or at the very least go into a severe hiatus. This effected me as it’s part of my range of interest.
  • Sadly had to miss out on everything aircraft related when it came to photography. I spotted the majority, yet failed to capture them on camera. It infuriates me how I always have to be left out of the fucking loop because the notices aren’t obvious or loud enough. Day of Honour, Canada Day, Antonovs, new Air Canada Boeing 777, and the Lancaster with the vintage fighter escorts.
  • The Dow’s Lake meet-up in summer pissed me off quite a bit because I was told to take images of other people’s dolls, which I did, yet still got penalized for it. Main focus was to take images of other people’s dolls….That was my MAIN focus. Because nobody moved around enough I decided to take images of Vara among the scenery because I rarely do so. It was both a rewarding and unrewarding meet-up.
  • The overly hot and humid days preventing me from doing a full photoshoot, which in turn made my articles and photoshoot suffer.
  • (Ottawa being a boring city when it comes to Halloween. Depending where you are you’ll see better or worse qualities of decorations and festivities.)
  • Tried to revive Minecraft briefly to play Pixelmon. Denied by my host by simple ‘passive aggressiveness’. I simply gave up after that. *Insert loudest cursing possible a Canadian street manner*.
  • Learning that I should always charge my camera battery to the fullest, no matter what scale of photo-shoot I’m doing. Had a handful of moments where camera just died on me mid-photoshoot.
  • Unable to go cycling this year for both weather and other issues. It’s been a ‘lazy’ year when it came to cycling. Wanted to, yet couldn’t.
  • Denied in taking images outdoors for Christmas festivities when it came to meet-ups in the downtown area. Even doing so myself being more difficult than it should be all because of the size of Varakitsu & other bullshit excuses used on all sides of the table. Even the lacking snow on the ground or wind preventing photo-shoots.
  • Denied in purchasing Nendo Himiko and Saber Lily RAH due to other issues forcing themselves on the plate. I can’t spoil myself with neither and that’s making me greatly depressed.  I can’t even enjoy Busou Shinki Moon Angel OST that others have, yet won’t share.

Goals for 2015?: Very obvious. Travel! Travel! Travel! Even if it isn’t realistic, nor far to my desired destination. I need to travel! I can’t stay stationary anymore More images of Varakitsu outdoors, even in her sexy nightgown. The rest? Keeping that under-wraps as that’ll simply be jinxed if mentioned in detail.


Not the best way to list the year, yet it’s what I can recall from both my memory and blog’s archived thoughts. I’m going to focus my energy on stabilizing my situation while even considering going silent to focus on the first point in the con list as it’s too crippling. May also seem appropriate as I constantly spam both Twitter & Tumblr a tad bit too much. Can’t really go into detail as it’s both embarrassing and a frustrating private issue. This blog and Tumblr also being more Anime themed than overly private issues and+18 (HaremMate posting on the ecchi level) that I can’t vent fully.  I also have some plans I want to put into motion to spoil myself further while also doing some ‘social experiments’ at the very same time.

I’m still feeling conflicted about obtaining more dolls (even Vara in doll form) that aren’t my ‘original characters’. We’ll see if I even do obtain new dolls, or if I will still solely focus on Varakitsu. I’m strongly eying numerous doll parts to realized numerous foxy characters, and an Ice Queen (AGK!). Shall possibly even try to force Vara into a digital gaming environment, if given the appropriate opportunity when the gaming industry becomes more imaginative and less tense in concept. When things go right I also want to solely focus on taking images of Vara outdoors, and only outdoor, to get the best out of Varakitsu.  This is after I tend to my issues first as they’re crippling when it comes to meet-ups and festivities.

Alright, let’s see what 2015 has to offer. Even if we plan things don’t go as we plan. See you on 2015 side!